Saturday, May 24

Dosage 70...

No giro so still no money, and indeed no money until Tuesday at very earliest.  I'm at a loss to find swearwords that contain enough venom to give that sentence it's deserved feeling.

Just had 70ml at chemist, with another 2 x 70ml to take home for Sunday and Monday.  I'll be surprised if at least one of those isn't gone shortly. 

(update) - I was right.  

re: the giro situation - I'm not your stereo-typical unemployed addict; until very recently I've been working at a fairly well-paid, responsible job so I was what you'd call a functional user. Alas things catch up with you and years of not dealing with problems, the stress of duplicity and my accelerating addictions have left me here at year-zero again; a 40yr old man with 20 years missing.  I'm an intelligent guy so there's a lot of things I find easy that would vex others, but there's a ton of simple day-to-day situations I have huge problems with.  I know I CAN shine and shine very brightly at that.  Getting myself into the position where that can happen  is more problematic so I tend to not even make the effort. 


Anonymous said...

Reducing your methadone dose should be begun from a position of stability on an adequate dose, with your family, work and social lives as stable as possible. The relapse rate for those coming off MMT is about 90% even so, and higher still for those who do not taper correctly. The fact that you are taking your takehomes early says clearly that you are NOT stable and are NOT ready to taper. Sounds as though you are very underdosed. This is a common problem in the UK, unfortunately.

Tapering should be done at a rate of no more than 10% of your dose every 2-4 weeks and you may need to stop periodically to allow your system to catch up before proceeding. It is crucial to taper all the way down to 1mg before stopping, to avoid withdrawals. Jumping off a dose as low as 5mg can cause severe illness.

You may want to check out some of the methadone support boards for assistance. The first one I am listing has a specific forum just for taperers, but all can offer advice on tapering and methadone. Here are the links--hope you can stop by:

Me said...

Many thanks for the advice and the links.

I'd tend to agree on the underdosing - sadly my prescribing Dr has been very negative when I've mentioned trying to up the dose.

Will bear your advice re; amount to taper in mind..

Thanks again :)