Monday, May 19

Dosage 70

Feeling ok - From past experience these first few reductions are fairly pain free; it's once you get down to 30/40 ish the reduction becomes noticeable.  Made things up with my partner so I guess that may have something to do with me feeling a bit brighter than usual.  I think he's glad I'm making the effort to get rid of this daily ritual; it's made going anywhere over night a complete pain.

I believe the Dr said the next script will be unsupervised - meaning I don't have to take it in the chemist.  This'll let me reduce a lot quicker as I can control my dosage myself - I don't mind putting up with a bit of discomfort if it means getting free quicker.  We also spoke about doing the final detox in hospital over a 2 week period.  I've always done this at home before without any help - at least in hospital I'd be fed properly and get medication to help with the symptoms so should be easier than suffering in silence at home. 

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